Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Wake Up Call?

First and foremost, I haven't blogged in quite awhile and I apologize for that. I feel slightly lame and disappointed in myself. With that aside, I must write a personal post.

Yesterday was the whipped cream and cherry topping to a horrible week sundae. Wednesday night I had two flat tires - both on the same side. I am lucky enough to have a caring brother and a very helpful guy friend. They changed my tires in the below zero weather and sent me on my way. I dropped my car off the next day, only to find out that I needed all new tires and won't have my car back until Monday. Then our pipes froze and the weather got to 25 below zero.

Then Friday happened. I was feeling wonderful about life - we have a long weekend and I just talked to someone for awhile. I was taking my car over to Lima to get new tires put on since I am very bullheaded and wanted my car back. I was heading home after spending an hour and a half in Sam's Club when I started having thoughts about car accidents, which I often think about when road conditions are bad. I look toward my phone, which was sitting on my passenger seat, and kept thinking about life in general. I was listening to the radio and enjoying the song that was on - I can't even think of what it was now. Then a car headed toward me, so I moved to give more room on the narrow, icy road.

Well, the snow was deeper than what I thought, so I pulled my car back onto the road, only hitting a patch of ice. This sent me off the road, heading toward the utility poles. This was weird - moving toward the wooden poles seemed to go so fast and slow all at the same time. I had thoughts racing through my mind all while praying I wouldn't hit another car. My car came closer to each pole, snow flying, me tapping the breaks.

Next thing I know, I hit my head three times and woke up a few seconds later to find a man coming out of his house. I reached for my phone, which was on the floor, and called Bryan, my go-to guy - a friend who has proved he is as chivalrous as he preaches. I don't remember the conversation with him or my mom. I actually don't remember a lot besides my friends coming to my rescue and going from hysterically crying to laughing in a split second. Bryan and the boys were in awe that the air bags didn't deploy, and then spent time trying to set them off. I also can't get the image of the front end of my totaled car with half of the wooden pole under my car, completely uprooted, and the other half hanging and slightly leaning on my car. 

I ended up going to the hospital a few hours later, giving in to people bugging me. I have a concussion and am completely sore. However, I will survive and I am okay. I realized, after having horrible and crazy dreams, that this will take some time for me to recover. I am just lucky that the accident wasn't worse - I could have hurt someone else, been seriously injured or been electrocuted. 

Maybe I will go play the lottery like Bryan said. Or maybe, just maybe, this is a wake up call for me to relax and enjoy life.

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