Saturday, November 8, 2008

Let's Get Real

I decided to start working on the Elie Wiesel Prize In Ethics Essay Contest today. I will admit, I didn't think writing a 3,000-4,000 word essay on how to be ethical would be hard. I mean, I am ethical and passionate about many topics that I could turn into a great essay. For example, how to be ethical with social media or in politics or even in public relations. 

Despite these award-winning (or should be) topics, I feel very inadequate after ready the 2007 and 2008 winners' essays. I feel I can't even compare any of these topics or anything I have experienced in my own life to Magogodi Makhene, the 2007 first prize winner. Makhene's essay focuses on her growing up in South Africa and the continent's current state. As soon as you start reading the essay, Makhene pulls you in by her language and dramatic flashbacks.

Now, let's get real. I can't compare to that. Nor can I write an essay about living with the death sentence or God in ethics. Even though correct grammar and style are not always used, these essays are thought provoking and untouchable. 

I was excited about this assignment, as I thought I or someone in my class could write a winning essay. However, after reading the ones that placed, I am not sure this is feasible. I have no doubt that we can all write awesome essays, but I don't think any of us have the experiences as these three essays stated. I hope I am wrong, but let's get real, we all go to college in a village.


Bryan Mulvany said...

Good post! And ps, I was waiting to see your smiling face in your video.. It never happened... This made me sad! Ps. Did you use slide rocket to do it?

And no, this will not count as one of my comments for the week!

Dr. Alisa Agozzino said...

Don't be discouraged... you still can write a powerful piece. I believe in you all!

Katalyn said...

Haha thanks Alisa. I just feel that I am not wordly enough to write one... but we will all try!

KoKOFIFI said...

Katelyn--I stumbled on your post and blog. you should definitely write a piece for the Elie Wiesel Prize or otherwise...I believe so strongly in the beauty and complexity of people's life stories. I am certainly what you know/have seen+experienced would shock even you with its richness + provocation. i did not write the piece on south africa expecting anything but to dig into myself. you would be surprised what you find there...