Monday, September 29, 2008

Making Lemonade

"When life hands you lemons, make lemonade."

This is a very true statement. After reading the PRSSA blog, I started thinking about the current state of Wall Street and the banking industry. Not to sound like I am trying to profit off of a horrible situation, but stop and think about once the situation is settled. The financial industry is going to need their credibility and reputation rebuilt so they can regain the public's trust. Who are these financial institutions going to need?

The answer: us. Public relations practitioners are going to be in demand once Wall Street rebounds. These institutions are going to need a plethora of crisis management control to regain both clients and trust. By 2015, which is the expected year for a rebound, the banking industry and Wall Street will be knocking down our doors for help. This will then help all of us PR practitioners obtain jobs, allowing us to help the retail industry and housing markets to prosper, resulting in a better economy.

Any thoughts about this? Am I completely losing my mind or do you think this is possible?

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