Sunday, October 12, 2008

Don't Push Your Beliefs on Me

As a public relations practitioner, one of your main tasks is to change the public's opinion on certain issues. You use every possible item in your PR tool box, pulling out all the stops to get people to agree with your client. Until tonight, after being called a "flamming Liberal," I didn't realize this slightly goes against what I feel. I think people have the right to their own opinion and others' opinions should not be pushed upon them (unless they are illegal).

To be truly honest, I will be the first one to defend the freedom of speech, religion and hold any beliefs that you want. If you want to believe that Barney (yes, the big purple dinosaur) is a god, I will think you're crazy but I don't care as long as you don't try to push your beliefs upon me. I believe what I want and if you don't agree with me, then don't try to change me. This attitude has worked for the past 21 years and I am perfectly happy.

The one person who is horrible at this is my dad. I love him terribly but he is always trying to change my opinions about issues. My dad always sends me e-mails telling me what I think is wrong. Have I changed my opinion due to these letters? Nope. Will my opinion ever change? Quite possibly, depending upon the situation and information provided.

Moral of the story: I am stubborn. I have always been stubborn and continue to get worse the older I get. You're free to your opinions but do not try to sway mine unless I am uninformed about the subject matter. I don't take the important issues lightly, so good luck to you and let the games begin.


nickysam said...

Public relation practitioners must be creative, well-adjusted, flexible and capable of mastering diverse skills, as well as having integrity and the courage of their conviction.A good PR practitioner anticipates the problems and plans to prevent those, or at least try to solve before these gain weight.

viral marketing

amckelveydz said...

I know exactly where you are coming from. People always try to argue with me, but I'm stubborn. Even if they are right, my opinion is not changing just to spite them.

I try to keep my opinions to myself often, especially when it comes to politics. But a girl can only take so much. It really urks me when I am in the PAC lab and other people are watching political videos. I try hard to ignore it, but I get pushed over the edge. I try to ask them to turn it down or turn it off, and they don't. I hate politics, as you have heard before. And I try to be open. But honestly, I'm getting sick of it all. If I have to hear one more video about one presidential candidate, I may throw the Mac at the window.

Obviously this is something I need to work on, and I didn't mean for my e-mail to come off wrong, but I assumed since I am forced to listen to stupid shit, I would try to promote my opinion as well :) Next time I'll post it in a blog :)