Monday, September 29, 2008

Taking Stabs at Age?

Sarah Palin gave a speech today in Columbus and in her usual fashion, she put her foot in her mouth. CNN's blog  reported that Palin took jabs at her Democratic opponent, Sen. Joe Biden, for only the second time in public. What did the Republican VP candidate say? She made jokes about Biden's age.

Now, I find this quite amusing. Palin's quote was "I've never met him [Biden] before. But I've been hearing about his Senate speeches since I was in, like, second grade." As CNN points out, Palin would have been eight years old, Biden was 29 and John McCain was 36. For Palin to be making fun of Biden's age, this is ridiculous since her running mate is currently 72 years of age. If anything, Palin should be making jabs at Biden for his stupid remarks. Oh, but wait, Palin doesn't really have any room to talk as she doesn't always make the smartest comments. 

I'll have to keep watching to see what develops from Palin's speech; I'll keep you all posted.


Evan E. Roberts said...

1) McCain is old enough to be here father so the "Father-Daughter team" jokes are bound to surface if she keeps harping on age.

2) Unless she was more politically savvy in the second grade than she is now, thee is no possible way she has been hearing about Biden's speeches that long, leaving her quip an example of extreme hyperbole or just a lame attempt at sarcasm. Also, one could possibly retort "At least you've heard of him"

Her incompetency will never cease to amaze me...

Bryan Mulvany said...

Katalyn and Evan,

While Sarah Palin is turning out to be a poorer choice for McCain's VP with every word that comes out of her mouth. The other choice is not much all.

So while I to agree with both of your comments about miss Palin, I think this again will be an election of lesser evils... Unfortunately!

Politics in general will never cease to amaze me.

amckelveydz said...

First, I love politics, but I hate talking about them. So, I am apprehensve about commenting to keep calm waters, but as we have been told, blogs are for opinions.

With Palin being so much younger, I feel what she said had a sarcastic sense of humor and was emphazising his age. I know sometimes I say many things that are exagerrated for effect, as do we all. And granted McCain is older than Biden, she was simply trying to make a point while being slightly funny.

And we shouldn't throw rocks at glass houses. Every politician puts their foot in their mouth. These people are running for President of the United States. They are under a microscope. If we picked apart every time they said something to this degree, the election would become even more petty than it already is. Imagine if someone recorded everything each of us said, there would be some stupid things coming out of our mouths for sure.